No. 1,212 exempt . Santiago, June 5, 1998
Having had before me
The following: the provisions under articles 4 b) and 8 of Decree Law No. 2,763, of 1978; articles 7 b) and 9 d) of decree No. 395, of 1979,, issued by the Ministry of Health; what is stated in articles 106 a) and 114 of the Food Sanitary Regulations, approved under Decree No. 977, of 1996, issued by the same ministry; published in the Official Gazette on May 13, 1997; the provisions contained in Resolution No. 520, of 1996, issued by the Office of the Comptroller-General of the Republic; and
The change in the epidemiological profile of Chile in the past twenty years has allowed a rising trend to be observed in the prevalence of chronic non-transmissible diseases of adults, where lifestyles associated with food and nutrition constitute one of the main risk factors;
Major diseases of this class in Chile associated to food and nutrition problems include cardiovascular diseases, obesity, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, and anemia;
The above list made it possible to define nutrients and other associated substances as protectors or as risk factors for the diseases listed;
Certain nutrients and food components help to protect the health condition of the body;
As a result, and in agreement with the expert groups consulted, the following messages serving as nutritional guidelines have been drawn up regarding certain foods, declaring healthy properties in connection with the following health problems, bearing which in mind, I hereby issue the following
1 –The following technical standards on nutritional guidelines for messages used to declare health-related properties, based on the association among a food, a nutrient or other substance, and a health-related condition.
(a) Saturated fats, cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases
Message framework
Among the numerous factors affecting cardiovascular disease, diets low in saturated fat, trans-fatty acids, and cholesterol, help to reduce the risk of such diseases
Required Condition
The food should comply with conditions for these descriptors: low total fat, low saturated fat, low cholesterol, and may not contain more than 4% trans-fatty acids in total fat. If the food is meat, it should be extra lean.
(b) Total fat and cancer
Message framework
Cancer development depends on many things. A low total fat diet might reduce risk for some cancers.
Required Condition
The food should comply with conditions for the descriptor: low fat. If the food is meat, it should be extra lean.
(c) Calcium and osteoporosis
Message framework
Sustained physical activity and a healthy diet with sufficient calcium help teenagers and adults, and young women to stay in good bone health, and can reduce the risk of osteoporosis in persons over 60 years of age.
Required Condition
The food should comply with conditions for the descriptor: high-calcium, i.e. it should contain 20% of more of the DRD per serving, good bioavailability, and phosphorus content not exceeding calcium content. Calcium/Phosphorus ratio: equal to or higher than one.
(d) Sodium and hypertension
Message framework
Development of hypertension depends on many things. A low-salt diet may help to reduce the risk of developing hypertension.
Required Condition
The food should comply with conditions for the descriptor: low-sodium.
(e) Low-fat and high-diet fiber diets, diet fiber being contained in fruit, vegetables, pulses, whole cereals, and connection thereof with cancer
Message framework
Development of cancer is associated to numerous factors. Low-fat and high-diet fiber diets, diet fiber being contained in pulses, whole cereals, fruit, and vegetables may reduce the risk for some forms of cancer.
Required Condition
The food should be or contain pulses, whole cereals, fruit, or vegetables, and comply with conditions for these descriptors: low-fat, non-fortified, and good source of diet fiber.
(f) Diet fiber and risk of cardiovascular disease
Message framework
Cardiovascular disease is associated to numerous risk factors. Diets low in saturated fats and cholesterol, and high in fruit, vegetables, pulses, and whole cereals containing certain types of diet fiber, particularly soluble fiber, may reduce risk for such disease.
Required Condition:
The food should be or contain pulses, whole cereals, fruit, or vegetables, and comply with all requirements for these descriptors: low saturated fat, low cholesterol, low total fat, non-fortified, containing at least 0.6 grams of soluble fiber per serving.
(g) Fruit and vegetables and cancer
Message Framework:
Cancer is a disease associated to many risk factors. Low-fat diets rich in fruit and vegetables may reduce the risk for certain types of cancer.
Required Condition:
The food should be or contain fruit or vegetables, and comply with the requirements for the descriptors: low fat, non-fortified, good source of diet fiber or good source of vitamin A or good source of vitamin C.
(h) Nutritional anemia and iron
Message Framework
An adequate intake of bioavailable iron is the principal factor in the prevention of nutritional anemia from iron deficiency.
Required Condition
The food should be high in bioavailable iron.
(i) Folic acid and neural tube defects
Message Framework
Adequate intake of folic acid by a woman during the pre-conception period and the first month of pregnancy has been associated to a lower risk of neural tube defects and other congenital malformations.
Required Condition
The food should comply with the requirements of the descriptor: high folic acid content.
(j) Lactobacillus Spp., Bifidobacterium Spp., and other specific bacilli and intestinal flora
Message Framework:
Daily consumption of milk and dairy products containing such live bacilli helps to maintain intestinal flora balance.
Required Condition
Food to which the above live bacillus strains have been added shall contain 100% of the amount of live bacilli declared on the label at the end of the food´s shelf life
These bacilli shall be resistant to hydrochloric acid in the stomach and other secretions in the digestive tract.
The food shall not be contaminated with pathogens.
(k) Phytosterols, photostanols, and cardiovascular disease
Message Framework
Among the numerous factors affecting cardiovascular disease, diets low in saturated fat, low cholesterol and trans-fatty acids, and containing phytosterols and photostenols can contribute to reduce the risk of such diseases.
Required Condition
The food or foods to which esters of phytosterol and phytostanol in concentration such that an intake of two servings thereof a day will ensure an intake of 1.3 grams or more per day of esters of phytosterols or 3.4 grams per day of esters of phytostanols.
Esters shall be added as such dissolved in the adequate medium or in microcapsules to ensure protection thereof, homogeneous distribution in the food, and optimum bioavailability in the body.
If the natural fat content in the food is reduced, such food shall comply with the requirements for low total fat and low cholesterol.
If the food is the result of a process where fat is added or restored in order to meet a certain minimum quantity, such food shall comply with the requirements for low total fat, low saturated fat, and low cholesterol, and shall contain not more than 4% trans-fatty acids in respect of total fat.
The above does not apply to food with high fat content of vegetable origin used as salad dressings, or margarine containing not more than 4% trans-fatty acids.
- The above resolution shall become effective as of the date of publication thereof in the Official Gazette.
To be recorded and published – Alex Figueroa Muñoz, Minister of Health.
Which I hereby transcribe for your information. Yours truly, Fernando Muñoz Porras, Under Secretary for Health.